Saturday, May 17, 2008

Would You Please Pass the Milk Bones?

Season Ten has just wrapped up on America's Next Top Model. I've become a fan of the reruns since Linda watches them while she is doing laundry or bookkeeping work on her lap top. What a surprise to see that Whitney, a plus size model, won! In the size 0's and 2's of the model world, Whitney's size 10 must seem behemoth. In reality, a size 10 is actually a size or two smaller then the average American women. While being fit and eating healthy is important, it will be good for young girls to have a role model who does not starve herself to fit in with what the media seems to portray is beautiful. This is important to me for a reason. Today, Linda weighed me and to my shock I've gone from 3 1/2 pounds to.....5 pounds! I am going to be proud of my size, even if it means having to get a new harness because my old one was too small. I hope I don't gain too much and get as big as this fellow.