Friday, May 16, 2008

Bon Voyage Tierney!

Tierney is leaving tomorrow morning at 4:00 a.m. for a missions trip to the West Indies. This is her 5th missions trip, 3 to Africa and now 2 to St. Kitts. I will miss her very much. Poor Linda, she will be so sad without her. I do admire Tierney reaching out to others and giving of her time and resources. Knowing Tier like I do, it is really dying-to-self for her to live in primitive accommodations and eat goat brain soup for dinner. The last trip to Africa she picked up some kind of intestinal parasite and was sick for a long time. I'm believing she will be safe and come back healthy. Sometimes I feel bad that I am so selfish and expect Linda to wait on me hand and foot. I'm spoiled and I know it. Tonight I am going to share Linda's lap with Chip. Never mind.