Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wai Yu Mun Ching?

Sometimes it's hard to be so little in such a big world. Everyone and everything in my house is so much bigger then I am. Today I was munching on my treat and when Linda walked out of the room for a second, Snickers took it away from me! If I try and fuss, he barks loud and scares me. Dumb Chip cat tries to boss me around too. The good thing is that even though Linda and Tierney are 30 times bigger then I am, I have them both wrapped around my little paw. I basically get anything I want from them. But I can relate to what this little baby monkey is feeling. Whoa! That's a really Big Banana!! No wonder he looks scared. FYI, if you get a bug bite, try rubbing the itch or sting with the inside of a banana peel. It really works! Unfortunately, Linda said Giant was totally out of 'nanas tonight. Nary a one in the entire store. What's up with that? Along with the rice rationing, do we now have to hoard bananas? The world is surely coming to an end.