Polly Want a Cracker!
How smart is this? An African parrot who lives in Tokyo escaped from his cage. He was rescued from a roof in the nearby city. A concerned citizen took him to the police station where he spent the night. The next day he was taken to a local veterinary hospital while the police looked for the rightful owner. After a few days, the parrot started talking to the vet. He said his full name, and address, including the street number! Then he proceeded to sing songs to the vet staff. Soon the parrot, Mr. Yosuke Nakamura was reunited with his joyful owner. I won't be able to tell the vet my address if I ever get lost, but I have a cool special micro-chip in my leg that tells where I live and who I belong too. It would be awesome if I could talk though. "Hey Linda, Chippie want a cookie!"