Remember this mornings post about how peaceful it was in our house? This afternoon, it's not been nearly as quite. Chim has been crying, crying and crying some more. He always has been a lap dog, but Linda can't walk around without him banging into her legs or shoving his face up into her hair when she sits down. It's totally Linda's fault. She indulges Chim by cuddling him whenever she is home. If she makes him sit on the floor or stop pestering her, it's just pitiful. He wails and whines until she lets him snuggle under her arm. Most people would say hes a small dog since hes only 15 pounds. That's true, but 15 pounds of dog can still trip you or make you spill your coffee mid sip because he needs to be right against your body. It's kind of endearing that he is so lovey, but it can be annoying when the other members of the house want to chill and he wants to play or go for a walk. (Right this second he is dropping his drool covered woobie on the keyboard trying to get Linda to tug it with him.)
Sometimes she remembers life before Chim and how uneventful it was. I sleep the day away, usually in one of my 3 beds so Linda hardly knows I'm home. She loves us both, but we're total opposites.
You can tell by our eyes and body language how different we are.