Friday, November 2, 2012

Donuts for Legs

You have to give 20-year old Joey Funderburk serious credit.  He's selling Krispy Kreme donuts so he can buy new legs since his health insurance turned down his request.  Joey was born with a birth defect that caused him to lose most of his legs when he was just a little boy.  He was adopted at 6, bought to the US and received his first pair of prosthetic legs.  The Dr. said Joey needs bigger legs or risks damaging his body even further.  He loves hiking, biking and all sorts of sports so he decided to raise the money for the $120,000 legs one Krispy Kreme at a time.  Would one of my rich readers please send him the money so he doesn't have to sell a ton of donuts?  So far he has only raised $2,000.  You can read his story and make a donation at Joey's New Legs site.
How could you walk by on YOUR OWN LEGS and not buy a donut from Joey?