Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Panther

I'm not sure how we missed posting today.  Actually, I am sure.. it's just such a lame excuse I wasn't going to share it.  Linda was up 3 hours before she had to leave to teach, so there was plenty of time to blog this morning.  After feeding us, making coffee, devotions and getting dressed, she decided to read her new Nelson Demille book for a few minutes.  She said his books are addicting and you can't put them down.  Linda has read every book he's written... twice.  Her favorite was The Charm School (about a Soviet training facility where Russian spies are trained to infiltrate America) and second favorite was Up Country (investigating a 30-year old murder case that happened during the Vietnam war.) All his books are amazing and Linda said go to your local thrift store and buy them all.  This new book, The Panther, is about two agents sent to Yemen to track down the Al Queda bad guys who blew up the USS Cole.   Before she knew it, she had to leave for work. 

After she taught, she did a few chores, ate lunch and then... she read for just a few more minutes (like 60!) then immediately had to get ready to leave for her afternoon classes.  She knows better and is NOT picking up the book before church because being late for service is not an option. 

Don't worry, Chim and I have been cuddling with her while she reads.  We actually love it when she sits down and isn't running around like the energizer bunny.
I used to sleep next to this panther because Chip Cat was afraid of it.  Eventually Chim got a hold of it and chewed it's ears and nose off.