We all did our first trail walk today. At first, Chimmie would not even take a step. The dried leaves freaked him out. As soon as he realized that all the smells and wonderful new things to discover were worth getting over his fear, he did great. There was one little scary part for all of us. One of the streams that we cross was missing a stepping stone. It usually is a long stride for Linda to walk on the stones to cross the streams. Since one was missing, today she had to leap from one stone to the next, while carrying both of us. It's a good thing Chimmie behaved himself and did not squirm. I think he followed my lead and just sat quietly in Linda's arms. I know all about crossing the streams and I DO NOT want to be dropped in the water. This photo was a few weeks ago. You can see if one of those stones was missing how far it would be. As always, Linda came through and saved us.
Everyday is getting easier for me with Chimmie in my life. We wrestled a whole bunch today, it was fun having him on the trail and he is learning to sit on the love seat and not constantly annoy me with wanting to play.