Sunday, November 14, 2010

Almost Twins

Yeah! What a fun walk we had. For the first time, Chimmie not only walked, but ran and played during our afternoon trek. Linda is teaching him to "stop....street....carry", but he is clueless. I had to show him exactly how it's done when we have to cross. Honestly, it really was great having him along side me. We raced and competed to sniff the same spots. If I found something good to smell, he would run right up behind me to smell it too. I would frustrate him by leaving to run to another spot before he even got a 2 second sniff. He would follow me as soon as I scooted to the next spot. It became quite a game. OK, I have to concede that it might actually be a good idea to have a new BFF. Can you see the resemblance between Snickers and Chimmie?