Saturday, November 27, 2010


Thanks to Paul, we did not spend 6 hours alone this morning. Linda had to leave at 8 a.m. to teach. Jerry is at his parents, so it seemed like poor Chimmie was going to be locked in the bathroom all day. (I keep telling him if he would get the pee-pee pad trick, he could stay out in the real house with me.) Paul came over and played with us and let Chimmie outside to take care of his business. While Paul was relaxing, Chimmie chewed his shoelace to bits. Linda even found a small piece of it on the floor when she got home. Chim better learn his manners or else he is going to end up in a "free to a good home" ad. He also keeps getting into Chip Cats face. Sooner or later, he has to learn that Chip is the real big dog of our house. I've learned not to mess with her.