Monday, October 25, 2010

Missing his Buddy

This is a sad story so if you don't want to cry, stop reading now. It's about a 73-year old man and his dog Buddy. Buddy was nabbed by the dog catcher and put in the pound. The man did not have the $100 to pay to release Buddy, and he was told Buddy was going to be euthanized. The old man and Buddy were not about to be separated. He got on his lawn tractor and drove to the pound. Using a bolt cutters, he busted Buddy out of jail. Buddy was happily riding home on his humans lap when the cops pulled up and arrested the old man and put HIM in jail for freeing Buddy. (He did threaten the police with a shot gun if they took his dog again.) Buddy not only went back to the pound, but they killed the poor poodle while the old man sat in jail with no one to pay his bond. I'm so sad and Linda feels like not only paying the mans bail, but buying him a new dog. This is the second story this week about a human springing his dog from the pound with bolt cutters.