Friday, October 15, 2010

It's a Mad, Mad World

Chip Cat gets mad at me at times, she often lashes out with those sharp pointy claws of hers. I could just be sunning myself by the sliding glass door and all of a sudden, she'll walk past me and swipe at me for no good reason. I think she needs anger management class. No doubt she would be exactly like this 19-year old women. The lady was mandated to attend an anger management program as part of her sentence for a previous assault. A training video on controlling your anger was being shown when the women came into the class late. She started being disruptive and another person a few rows back told her to "quite down and give it a chance, the video was good." That is when the 19-year-old went ballistic and started stabbing the well meaning student with a knife. I guess she failed the class.