Saturday, August 28, 2010

No Biting

Jerry could not come over to play with me today while Linda was working. He had to go to Baltimore and sell his comic books at a big convention. I had to wait until Linda got home from teaching to take my trail walk. As soon as we left our yard, the wild German Shepard dog across the street came busting out of the door and raced over to us. Linda picked me up before he reached us and she practiced her best Cesar Milan dominate stance and stared the dog down. He was barking and charging looking like he wanted to bite us, but the dog actually backed away from us when Linda held her stance! The lady came out screaming for the dog to come home, which only got it more excited. Luckily, the dog did not get hit by a car and they were able to catch it. The rest of the walk was uneventful. Well, Linda got a hundred bug bites on her legs, but that was all.