Friday, August 6, 2010

Cat Burglar

Last year Linda had a giant yard sale. She sold hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of stuff. Three other families from her church also bought stuff over to sell. At the peak, there were more than 20 shoppers at once grabbing the bargains. Linda could not stay for the whole sale, so all the other families sold her stuff for her. That is probably where this guy got the idea for his crime. I'm not sure if the crook in the following story is smart or just extremely lucky. He broke into a strangers garage, opened the door and had a impromptu garage sale with all their stuff. Neighbors and people driving by stopped to get a bargain on the $40,000 dollars worth of tools, furniture and equipment he sold before getting in his car and leaving 2 hours later. Police said that the shoppers are now in possession of stolen property and must return it. I bet this cat is the number-one suspect.