Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Quite Please!

I still go crazy every single time the doorbell rings. Even if it just rings on TV, I still run to the door and bark my head off. Linda keeps trying to train me to stop, but I can't help it. I just have to announce to the whole town that someone is trying to get in our house. She says if I don't stop barking, I'm going to be put in time-out. NO! Not time-out! (What is time-out anyway?) A bar owner in Oklahoma City got mad when a man was making to much noise in his bar. The barkeep grabbed a 34-inch sword from behind the bar and cut the noisy guys nose right off of his face! He was also slashed his shoulder, hands and face. Surgeons are going to try and build him a new nose out of skin from his ear and forehead. Maybe the bartender should have just given the loud man a time-out.