Sunday, April 11, 2010

I Can't Bear It Anymore

I hate to be a big whiner, but I am starving. This is NOT enough food for an active dog. I know that I need to loose almost 2 pounds, but really... how am I supposed to live on 4 tablespoons (or 1/4 of a cup) of food a day. I am used to at least double that. This morning I had 1/2 of the amount for breakfast and Linda just fed me the second 1/2 for dinner. I've been miserable all day. She feels terrible because I just walk around crying and begging for more chicken. She is even breaking up my teddy bear cookie into 4 bites. Each whole cookie is the size of a dime. When you break that into 4 bites, it is just a speck of cookie. The piece of cookie on the left is my BIG treat. whoopie.