Saturday, April 3, 2010

Adventure de Jour

Whew~ I'm tired. We just did a 1 hour 15 minute trail walk through the woods by our house. I have to admit, Linda did carry me a few times, maybe 10 minutes total and I did the rest. I'm petrified of the water crossings and will not get within 5 feet of the streams. Linda picks me up while she crosses on the stepping stones. Snickers used to run into the stream and lay down to cool off. That was his favorite part of the trail walks. Highlights of our trek are as follows: lots of bright red cardinals and chirpy robins; about a gazillion squirrels; one inky black squirrel that was beautiful; a solitary deer who didn't twitch an ear when we walked past; and a bird who sounded like a crying baby. No threatening hawks or owls swooping down to snatch me away, thanks goodness. We did pass a man with yellow teeth that looked creepy, but he just smiled and kept walking. Funny, we did not see one single bunny hopping down the bunny trail! drawing by: Ken Soucy.