Thursday, April 1, 2010

Clean Up in Aisle 4

Linda and I have not been going on our Sunday outing to PetSmart. We used to go and socialize with all the dogs up for adoption. It was always so much fun and I loved meeting so many new people and dogs. I need to have Cesar come and help me with my newly developed fear of other dogs. I don't know why it's scary now that I'm a whopping 6 pounds, and when I was 1.5 pounds, I romped and played with all the biggest dogs, even the Pitt Bulls. Anyway, maybe we can hit the park this Sunday. It's Easter so it might not be as crowded. She said PetSmart will be for another day. Besides, PetSmart has a $1 million dollar negligence lawsuit against them because a man stepped in dog poop on the floor and fell. I have to admit, I've pooped on the floor too, but Linda picked it right up. The PS workers will probably be extra vigilant on poop offenders now. (What is that little dog thinking about while he looks back at his poop? Is it a Popsicle? Can anyone read Chinese?)