Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I Kneed New Knees

Both Linda and I had a sleepless night. I was in so much pain that I could not sleep. Linda was in so much pain from watching me suffer that she could not sleep. Twice during the night I had to use the pee-pee pad and could not walk or even stand to go. She was dressed and out the door first light to get to the Vet's office by 7 a.m. Jerry met us too, he was as worried as Linda. There is good news and bad news... first the good news: I'm not in pain anymore and I will live! Both of my back kneecaps were totally dislocated! That was the horrible pain I was feeling. The Vet popped them back in. The bad news: I have to go to the orthopedic doggie-surgeon. It seems like I have a serious case of patella subluxation. A rating of 4 is the absolute worse, I am currently at a 3. It won't get better on it's own, only worse. Linda is going to meet with the surgeon and decide what is best for me. You can read all about it here: http://cal.vet.upenn.edu/projects/saortho/chapter_81/81mast.htm