Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Romp in the Yard... almost

Today while Linda was cleaning the deck, I scooted out the sliding door and ran down the deck stairs lickity-split. Linda still had her high heel boots on and I knew she could not get down the stairs fast enough to catch me. She called for Snickers to rescue me before I squeezed under the gate. He came running after me (pretty fast for an old dog!) and flipped me over on my back with his big nose. Yipp! It made me cry out. Then he kept nudging me in the direction of the steps.
Just like in the old show Lassie: "Woof Woof...What's the matter boy, is Timmy in the well?!" Drats, Snicks stopped me from discovering the world. I was almost free, but wait... why would I want to leave this warm house with food whenever I want and lots of love 24-7?

Taylor came over today. I've missed him since he married Sarah and moved out. I hope some day they have little hairless humans for me to play with.