Monday, March 10, 2008

Chicken Little

I am in love with chicken. Chicken, Chicken, Chicken. Since I was being a little pickier then I normally am about eating, Linda went to the store and came back with a big featherless bird. She roasted it in the oven on Sunday and the smell made me crazy. Then she stood at the counter and pulled off all the meat... (I was flipping out) and put it in the whirrly-blender to make it like Choopie food. Every time she feeds me, she mixes the CHICKEN in with my regular food. I am going to be so fat because I am jonesin' for it all the time. I can't wait until my next meal. My navy pea coat is not going to fit me this spring because I'll be too fat. Who cares? Snickers would love me even if I was Chubby Choopie. I want this chicken toy.