Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Extravagance

Some people go all out on their Christmas trees. The Emirates Palace Hotel has put up an $11 million dollar tree in their lobby. The ornaments sparkle with diamonds, gold, and other gems. I don't even think it's all that. Imagine how many presents that money would buy little needy kids? We are not putting up a Christmas tree. After Tierney and Taylor got older, Linda stopped doing a tree. They would do a cactus or palm tree. Once she ran outside on Christmas morning and broke a branch of the pine tree off. She put it in a vase and added some tinsel, ta-DA! instant Christmas tree. This year with Taz-Chimmie running loose, it would have been destroyed in minutes. She did get all her Holiday Starbucks bears out and put them up where Chimmie can't reach them. I have everything I ever could want or need, so Linda does not have to buy me one present. But if she wanted to make me a special Christmas dinner with bacon and cheese, that would be A-OK with me!