The weirdest thing just happened. Linda was working on her laptop with me by her side. Chimmie was out in the dining room lounging in the sunshine by the sliding door. Out of nowhere, he starts screaming, yipping and crying. By the time Linda could move her laptop and get the blanket off, he was starting to run down the hall. Poor guy was scared out of his mind. That's not the weird thing. (Although we don't know if Chip got at him or he hurt himself getting into mischief.) Linda picked him up to cuddle and comfort him, holding him in her arms up by her neck. In about 30 seconds, her skin started burning like it was on fire! She quickly put him down and ran water on a paper towel to put on her burning skin. Since he was still crying and petrified, she picked him back up to hold him again. OUCH! It was like someone rubbed stinging thorns on her neck and bare arms. She ran into the bathroom and there were poison ivy like little red bumps and a horrible rash where she held him to her skin. He's always made her a little itchy when he scratches her while they play, but never a breakout like this one. This is troubling. You can't really tell by the photo how bad it is.
P.S. About 1/2 hour has gone by and the redness/itchy feeling is going away.