Thursday, December 23, 2010

29 Down

Linda has taught me many, many words. I know Choopie's bed, big bed, pee-pee pad, shoes, cookie, supper, chicken, sit, down, "bang you're dead", outside, toy, carry me, street, wait, Chooipie's bag, come girl, plus a few more. That's pretty smart, huh? Well, a border collie named Chaser is officially the smartest animal in the world, even more then parrots or apes. Over the last 3 years, his owner has taught him 1,022 names for individual items. Chaser has been video taped by researchers and has proved his brilliance. We watched some of the video. In one, there are 50 different toys on a blanket and his owner says "Chester, bring me the toy boat" and sure enough, the dog looks over the blanket items until he finds the boat and brings it to his human. Linda is now motivated to teach me even more words.