What the heck was Linda thinking today? Doesn't she realize that I have not barely been exercising since she hurt her back? In the last 14 days, I've had two longish outings. A few afternoons she was able to walk me a few houses down and back, but we walked so slow even I got bored smelling the same patch of grass. Her first 3 classes of the day, she was very stiff and could not move. After a 45 minute rest with heat on her back, she taught her last class at 4:00 with zero pain. When she got home, we went for a 20 minute hard walk. There were even times when we jogged a bit. I was so hot that I was panting like crazy even though the temp. was in the high 70's. Boy, did that wear me out. After, she left to meet Sarah and Taylor for dinner at the new Coney Island Diner. Sarah's hot dog was at least 18" long! Linda will upload a photo of it once her phone charges back up.