Linda had such grand plans for today. She was going to get up really early and take me for a walk. Next, a few hours were going to be devoted to work on her new routines. Then after her 11:00 class and lunch, she was going to sit out on the deck and enjoy the amazing weather while she studied some more. Well, things did not go exactly as she hoped, but in the end...everything worked out amazingly. I did my part by waking her up super early. She went to the computer to unhook her iPod to take on our walk, and found out it had crashed! My walk was postponed while she tried to get her iPod and computer back up and running. She made it to her 11:00 class on time, had a relaxing lunch, but had to spend the next 3 hours trying to get her work videos downloaded to her iPhone. After quite a few tears of frustration, TADA! It all worked. She celebrated by taking me on a long hike in the woods. I'm super tired now and enjoying a nap on Linda while she watches her Combat video on her iPhone! Maybe the moral of the story is not to make so many plans and just roll with it. This way you never get disappointed or frustrated.