Friday, July 23, 2010

Hot Guns

I did not get to go to the picnic because it was (once again) too hot outside for me. Sometimes I wish that I was not such a delicate type of dog, but was hearty and strong like Snickers used to be. He could be outside on the hottest days or coldest days and be fine. Linda would have to coax him back inside with treats because he liked to sleep out in his doghouse at night. He hated sleeping inside regardless of the weather. I think he wanted to guard our house from bad guys and felt that if he was out on the deck it kept Linda safer. This photo of Sarah and Tier is just precious. Linda can't remember why Sarah was sticking her tongue out. In the top shot, they were trying to get Taylor to show his giant biceps, but he would not do it. Even relaxed, they are bigger then my whole body.