Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Even Monkeys Get Tired

This is usually Linda's day off from teaching. She has one TKD class in the afternoon on Tuesday, but that is all. Today, she did a 10-11:30 practice with some other girls, then subbed 4:30 Pump, 5:30 TKD and 6:30 Cardio Combat. She came home so tired that it's almost 10 p.m. and she has not eaten dinner or taken me for my night walk. (How am I going to get this weight off unless she walks me? Sorry your tired, but HEY! I need exercise too.) At least she fed me dinner before she collapsed on the couch. I'm going to have to figure out how to get her the 15 steps into her bed. These monkeys are riding in style, I wish I had one of these wheeled contraptions to help her. She has 3 classes Wednesday and then 6 on Thursday so I doubt I'll be getting a walk until Friday. Unless someone else volunteers to come over and walk me in the evening..hint..hint.