Friday, December 18, 2009

It's Begining to Look a Lot Like Christmas

The snow storm has officially started. We just got word from Santa that the Dog Park party is canceled for tomorrow, good thing too because I would be totally buried if I tried to venture out. The Weather Man is saying up to 20" of snow will fall before it is all said and done. Linda has been busy preparing just in case our pipes freeze or the power goes out. She even thought ahead and opened a few big cans of cat food since all we have is an electric can opener. She also filled two giant 5-gallon jugs with water, found all the extra blankets; gathered together the candles and matches and even bought the snow shovel inside so she can start shoveling from the front door! I have about 5 cans of food and a lot of dry food. Unfortunately, Linda's food is not so well stocked. I might be sharing my Kibble with her. Too bad we don't have a fireplace, that would keep us toasty warm.