Thursday, June 17, 2010


Bob cut down another tree in our front yard and trimmed the two that are left. It is so naked now, but our house does look bigger. He left the big pine tree with the cut out in the back where we store our trash can. It is the perfect hiding space. The home owner people give you a ticket if you leave your trash can visible from the curb, so Linda is happy that we could at least keep that tree. It's scary that someone can give you a ticket if they don't like the color of your shutters, the height of your fence or if you put up a little shed in your backyard. Speaking of fines, now the people in Australia will be ticketed on the spot if a police officer hears them say even one swear word in a public place. There will be a zero-tolerance policy to inappropriate language. If that happens in the US, some people will be paying $1,000's of dollars a day in fines for their swearing. At least Linda won't get a ticket for that since she only says appropriate words.