It is still very hot outside, even though it is 9:30 at night. Linda did not take me for a walk earlier either because she was afraid I would have a seizure. Tonight she just put a lawn chair in the backyard while I walked around to take care of business. There are dangerous critters in our yard at night, so she wanted to be right down near me if anything attacked me. After her morning church service, she met some friends in Ashburn and did not get home until much later than normal. Then she left early because she had baby duty in the nursery. It was a good day to catch up on my sleep from a very busy Saturday. Oh, and her broken toe is now purple. She cut a big hole in the side of an old pair of sneakers so the broken toe could stick out. It should be interesting to find out how she does teaching her 4 classes tomorrow!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Baby It's Hot Outside!
It is still very hot outside, even though it is 9:30 at night. Linda did not take me for a walk earlier either because she was afraid I would have a seizure. Tonight she just put a lawn chair in the backyard while I walked around to take care of business. There are dangerous critters in our yard at night, so she wanted to be right down near me if anything attacked me. After her morning church service, she met some friends in Ashburn and did not get home until much later than normal. Then she left early because she had baby duty in the nursery. It was a good day to catch up on my sleep from a very busy Saturday. Oh, and her broken toe is now purple. She cut a big hole in the side of an old pair of sneakers so the broken toe could stick out. It should be interesting to find out how she does teaching her 4 classes tomorrow!