Oh boy, was Linda mad at Snickers this afternoon. We were all eating lunch, just like normal. While Linda eats at the table, she gives us Cheerios or Oyster Crackers if we sit quite. Nothing new there, when she got up to clear the table, Snickers literally peed ALL OVER THE PLACE. A big puddle, a little puddle and then a stream of pee while he walked around the Dining room, living room, down the hall and down the stairs. (We have white carpet!) I thought she was going to blow a gasket, but she just put him out on the deck and got busy cleaning up. It took hours, but with the Pet Spot/Bot; scrubbing; mopping; deodorizing, it's all good. No stains or smell because she got it up right away. What is up with that bad boy! I think he is old and senile. He'll need to wear a big diaper in the house from now on. Is there such a thing as Depends for Doggies? This is Snickers biting my head off.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Depends for Doggies.
Oh boy, was Linda mad at Snickers this afternoon. We were all eating lunch, just like normal. While Linda eats at the table, she gives us Cheerios or Oyster Crackers if we sit quite. Nothing new there, when she got up to clear the table, Snickers literally peed ALL OVER THE PLACE. A big puddle, a little puddle and then a stream of pee while he walked around the Dining room, living room, down the hall and down the stairs. (We have white carpet!) I thought she was going to blow a gasket, but she just put him out on the deck and got busy cleaning up. It took hours, but with the Pet Spot/Bot; scrubbing; mopping; deodorizing, it's all good. No stains or smell because she got it up right away. What is up with that bad boy! I think he is old and senile. He'll need to wear a big diaper in the house from now on. Is there such a thing as Depends for Doggies? This is Snickers biting my head off.