Wednesday, December 28, 2011

You Can Make a Difference

What if we were hungry?
The ASPCA estimates that almost 2 million pets have been abandoned since the recession began in December 2007.  People who are losing jobs and homes just can afford to feed or house their beloved animals anymore.  Now, a few organizations are stepping up to the plate to help strapped pet owners.  Pet Food Pantries are opening across the country.  Just like a regular food pantry, these are just for pet food.  If Linda was so poor she could not afford food for us, it would be a huge blessing to be able to go and get free Alpo.  In just one year, a pantry that was run out of someones home supplied nearly one ton of food!  Another door has opened for hungry pets.  Meals on Wheels is an organization that supplies meals to home bound seniors.  MOW found out that the old folks were giving their own meals to their pets since they could not afford or were able to get out to buy them pet food.  Now a new branch of MOW called "We All Love Our Pets" or WALOP, is passing out pet food along with their meal delivers to their seniors with animals. You can also go to the site to play a trivia game.  With every right answer, sponsors will donate 10 pieces of dog kibble to a shelter.  So far to date, 682,435,830 bites of kibble has been donated.  Contact your local animal rescue organization and see how you can help save dogs (OK, and cats too) lives.