Friday, September 16, 2011

Movie Under the Stars

I might get to go to church with Linda for Family Night!   They are doing an outdoor Big Screen Movie Night starting at 7:00.  I went last year, and it was really fun.  Everyone brings lawn blankets and chairs and sets them up just like a drive-in movie theater.   The evening starts with a bonfire, hot dogs, popcorn and s'mores.  Next, there is a skit and music.  Pretty soon it's dark enough for the movie to begin.  This year the movie is The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry.  Chimmie has to stay home because there is no way he'll be calm enough to sit on Linda's lap and watch a 2 hour movie.  Since Linda gets cold easily, she is bringing lots of warm clothes and a giant blanket to wrap up in.  She might even bring a sweater for me.  Everyone is invited, so call Linda on her cell if you want to come and she'll give you directions.