Monday, September 28, 2009

Wacki-Wacki Law

Imagine getting a ticket for walking your dog on a leash in the city park? That is what is happen in a park near Waikiki Beach. Walking your dog on a leash is a criminal offense that carries a fine of up to $500 and/or 30 days in jail. Police have been writing tickets right and left. Pet owners are very unhappy to say the least. They pick-up the pootie, have dog licences and keep their dogs well controlled, but the police say no dogs allowed. I did a little more research about this story. The park is currently home to crack-head dopers who live in makeshift tents. There are also a lot of homeless people sleeping in the park. I guess the homeless people and crack-heads can't afford the $500 fine, so they are going after the people with money.