Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Can You Say Ouch?"

Urban Legends are always fun to read about. There is the one about the very large cat. Look left. False. There is the one about the dog named Hercules. See above. False. Then people said Mr. Rogers of "Can you say sniper?" had a former secret career as a trained assassin. See above. (In the green sweater, not black fur.) False. How about the one where the man sat down on the toilet and a snake came up and bit his privates? (No photo of this one.) True. That's right, True. A Taiwanese man sat down on the toilet and immediately felt an excruciating pain on his boy bits. He jumped up and found a big snake was dangling from his plumbing. The 51-year old man is under medical care to make sure he does not get an infection. The local TV station showed workers uncoiling the big yellow and black rat snake from the man's toilet.