Thursday, July 26, 2012

What's for Dinner?

Linda got home from the gym and prayer tonight ready for some food.  She was starving from skipping lunch.  She met with some girlfriends and Sarah & Penny for breakfast this morning at 9:00 at a cool place called Mimi's.  Linda can only remember one time she ever ordered a real breakfast, but it was years ago.  Of course she eats at the annual family Thanksgiving/Christmas breakfast at IHOP, but it's always a bagel or small bowl of oatmeal.  Today she decided to get an omelet.  This is so out of character for her, that if Tier would have been there her jaw would have dropped.  Linda ate most of an omelet, some potatoes, a muffin, and juice! She was so stuffed she could not eat lunch.  (Please don't think Linda is one of those people that eats 2/3 of an Oreo and can't eat another bite.  She can pack away lunch and dinner, but her tummy is just not ready for a big breakfast in the AM.)  Tonight she made her famous shells and "meatballs" with basil-garlic organic tomato sauce.  She's made it before for carnivore friends and they had no idea they were soy meatballs.  It smelled amazing, but none of the pets got to try it.

This dead bug was on the front step when she came home from work tonight.  She could have mixed it in the sauce for extra protein, but she opted not to.  I wish she put a coin down next to it so you could see the scale of just how humungous it is.  It could feed a family of 3, easily!