Friday, July 13, 2012

Cursed Grass

This was our grass a few years ago.
We have the deadest grass on the entire street.  There is exactly one person on our street who waters their grass, and that is Paul next door.  He loves his grass.  I mean, he really loves it.  In the morning he goes around and hand picks leaves off the grass that fell during the evening.  His grass is perfect, front yard and backyard.  (Why is front yard two words and backyard one word?)  Paul HATES having us for a neighbor since our lawn is, well... dead.  Plus, half the time Linda does not cut the backyard because its too hot, buggy, sweaty, annoying, and hard work.  She does cut the front because that only takes 15 minutes.  Now that its dead, there is nothing to cut.  Why do the other 73 houses on our street have green grass without watering?  Weirdly enough, there is a bright strip of green by the curb.  That grass doesn't get water either, but it's super green and pretty. Even if its mostly weeds, why are those weeds green and not the weeds on our lawn?  The whole thing is confusing.  It's like our grass is cursed. The guy across the street does not even own a sprinkler and his grass is green.  Today Linda dragged out her sprinklers and tried to water but she did not know how.  Honest.  She turned on the spigot and heard water running, but nothing came out of the sprinkler.  She checked and it was hooked up to the end of the hose and it was.  No water came out anywhere except for a little around the broken spigot on the house.  I think God is making her have brown grass to keep her humble so she does not get all puffed up with pride on how good our house looks. 

Front Yard Grass (or lack of grass)

Front Yard One Side Walk Distance Away