Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Mysterious Missing Giraffe

We've had a kidnapping, or in this case...calfnapping.  While Linda was cleaning today, she noticed for the first time that the baby giraffe is missing from it's Mama.  This is very puzzling.  She specifically remembers it being there last Thursday when Noah left.  He likes to say goodbye to the family when Gretel comes for him. (Sometimes he cries to take them with him when he leaves.)  This morning, the baby is gone!  Where could it have gone to?  There is only one plausible answer and that would be Chimmie.  He could have dragged it off somewhere and chewed it's head off.  Linda should have found it cleaning though. Do you think he totally ate it up??  OH NO.  It is made of wood (Tierney bought it back from Africa on one of her many trips there) and everyone knows he loves to chew wood.  We think he would be in serious pain if he ate that much roughage, right?  It could have gone missing when the company came to do the massive cleaning a few weeks ago.  They left Linda's expensive jewelry and a twenty dollar bill that was on her dresser alone, why would they take a 8" giraffe?  The hunt is on.