Sunday, January 22, 2012

8 Houses Down...

I like the backyard of this one!
Linda went to look at 4 more TH's today after church.  Three are definite No's and one is a maybe.  It needs a lot of work inside, but it's all cosmetic.  The location is wonderful (walking distance to Taylor and Sarah) and the layout is absolutely perfect.  Three floors, wide open spaces, and nice little fenced yard with grass for us to play.  It's priced way to high for the amount of money Linda would have to put in it to fix it up though.  Taylor is going to see if they are open to taking less.  If not, it's crossed off her list for sure.  Maybe we should just stay put.  Linda loves our home (yes, even with the dated paneling, fake wood cabinets and tiny bathrooms.  It suits our needs perfectly and it is the house she raised Tier and Taylor in, so it feels right to live here.  There is no need to rush and make a quick decision.  If it's meant to be, everything will fall into place.  She'd be just fine staying here and she'd be just fine with a smaller TH with no mortgage payment.  That's the cool thing about being in God's will. You are perfectly happy exactly where you are!