Monday, November 21, 2011

Keep Your Paws Crossed

No squash cooking tonight.  Linda was planning on trying it, but noticed her fresh asparagus was one day away from not being fresh anymore, so she had to cook the asparagus instead for dinner.  She'll do the squash tomorrow for a late lunch.  Chimmie is going to Petsmart at 11:30 to attempt to get his nails cut again.  The last two times, the groomers could not do it because he was screaming and squirming like they were cutting his paws off instead of his nails.  (That was before the clippers even got close to his nails.)  If Linda knew how low to cut them, she would buy a clipper and do it herself.  It's just that his nails are all black and you can't see the quick.  I think if she were to do it on the couch when he is resting, he would not pitch such a fit.  The whole vet/groomers experience gets him riled up before anything actually starts.  One of her friends recommended wrapping him up in a blanket like a burrito.  This way he wouldn't even be able to see what was happening to his paws.  I really hope he can get them trimmed.  They are so long that it hurts when he plays with me.