Tuesday, November 22, 2011

He's Off the Hook

"Look!  I killed a fox!!"
Turns out Chimmie is off the hook for his nail clipping today.  Petsmart won't let Linda hold him while they clip his nails, they make a tech girl hold him.  Right.  The last time the "techs" tried to cut his nails was a fiasco.  Even the seasoned groomer could not get him to stop flipping out long enough for them to get the cutter near his nails. She'll have to take him to the vet where they can do it in the exam room with Linda there.  She'll bring his brown woobie bed to wrap him in and his foxy pelt pacifier to suck on.  Hopefully, that will do the trick.  Til then, Linda will have to be extra careful she does not get clawed while they play.