Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mini-Munk Update

As soon as we walked out the door tonight for our walk, it started sprinkling.  We went anyway, and got home just in time.  Thunder was starting to build and the downpour started 5 minutes after we were safe and sound inside.  Linda knows this is silly, but she is very worried about the chipmunks.  They are dry since she pulled the old igloo dog house over the nest and it's warm enough out.  She just hopes the Mom comes back to them.  She keeps imagining that they are crying for her and hungry. Maybe they will be able to eat the seeds and nuts.   The articles she read online said not to pick the pups up because their bites can contain bacteria.  This is worse then when the baby birds froze in the nest under the deck.  She does not want to check on them too much just in case the Mom is there and taking care of them.