Thursday, July 21, 2011

Up With the Roosters

I am Fierce!
We all had to get up extra early this morning because Linda is subbing 2 classes before Noah comes for the day.  She tried to get a sub for the earlier one, since both of them are butt-kicking, cardio-killing workouts, but she waited until last night to think about it.  Her back is still touchy and sore, so she was a little nervous to commit to two hard, back to back workouts in a row.  Even though she was up before light, Chimmie had an accident in the bathroom. (That sounds weird, since that is where those kind of things are supposed to happen!) She heard him shake his fur minutes before the alarm went off.  That's his sign he wants to get up to go out.  He does not bark or whine anymore. You have to be a pretty light sleeper to hear it since he does not wear a jiggly collar.  Instead of immediately getting up, she waited 4 more minutes for the alarm.  In that span of time, he did both numbers!  Coyote was peed on, so Linda threw him in the trash.  Later today, she is going to throw away all pieces of soft toys that he has left.  It can't be good for him to keep eating them.  If Chimmie saw Tier in this rooster mask, he would try to chew her to bits.