Tierney had a stuffed dog when she was little named Puddles. Puddles was a basset hound that Tier found at the local thrift store. Puddles nose got chewed off sometime over the last 15 years. Linda does not remember if it was Ruby, Sheba or Snickers who did the nose job. Puddles is still wearing the little doggie-tee shirt that Linda bought for it. An old woman in California also has a stuffed dog who she loves. She kept it in the front window to discourage bad men from breaking in her house. (This is actually a great idea. Linda is going to put the big black Panther we have in our window. That will keep us safe, for sure.) Anyway, the dog looked so real that the county started sending the women 6 months worth of threatening letters that if she did not get her dog a licence, she had to pay a $200 fine! Even thought she told them it was not a real dog, the letters did not stop. It's a good thing I have my dog licence. I love to sit on Taylor's bed and look out the window. I don't want Linda to be fined or to be taken to the pound.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Tierney had a stuffed dog when she was little named Puddles. Puddles was a basset hound that Tier found at the local thrift store. Puddles nose got chewed off sometime over the last 15 years. Linda does not remember if it was Ruby, Sheba or Snickers who did the nose job. Puddles is still wearing the little doggie-tee shirt that Linda bought for it. An old woman in California also has a stuffed dog who she loves. She kept it in the front window to discourage bad men from breaking in her house. (This is actually a great idea. Linda is going to put the big black Panther we have in our window. That will keep us safe, for sure.) Anyway, the dog looked so real that the county started sending the women 6 months worth of threatening letters that if she did not get her dog a licence, she had to pay a $200 fine! Even thought she told them it was not a real dog, the letters did not stop. It's a good thing I have my dog licence. I love to sit on Taylor's bed and look out the window. I don't want Linda to be fined or to be taken to the pound.