Saturday, November 9, 2013

Winter is coming

Even dogs with fur coats thought it was too cold in the house this morning.  The heat was on, but just barely.  Chim and I were both burrowed under our blankets and didn't even twitch when Linda called us to wake up.  Brrrr!  The temperature (inside!) was near 60 degrees.  Our heat works fast though, and now its a comfortable 68 (as long as Linda's wearing sweatpants, a long sleeve tee shirt and her big fluffy robe.)  Even though Linda hates being cold she hardly ever blasts the heat.  She wanted something hot for breakfast.  It was the first morning since last June that she didn't have yogurt/fruit or a smoothie for breakfast.  Instead she made this Trader Joe's recipe for pumpkin oatmeal (with a few substitutions)
Oats, coconut milk, pumpkin (left over from her pumpkin bread she made last night), pumpkin pie seasoning, honey & salt all cooked up and topped with almonds and more cinnamon.  It's a good thing she doubled the recipe because it will be her new breakfast for the next few weeks.  It was so yummy!  It might taste good cold too, kind of like the Corner Bakery's Swiss Oatmeal.  We had chicken, rice and a little canned food... the same meal we've had since forever ago.