Saturday, August 31, 2013

Minion Attack

Minions are the new X-Men according to the kids in Linda's classes. 

OK, now this is weird.  Linda has four new bruises that were not there when she took the pictures at 3 p.m.  Unless there are invisible Minions running around the house kicking and pinching her, it makes absolutely no sense.  There are now two tiny bruises on her arm and two on her knee.
That amazing scar is from her knee replacement.  The surgeon decided to be creative!
She didn't do any cleaning where she knelt down, no one grabbed her arm and she didn't run into anything in the last 4 hours.  Even though she isn't supposed to google any sickness or injury symptoms on Web MD (said a wise adviser) she might have to break the rule just this once just in case she should make a DR appointment for this week to check it out. 

Linda wishes she was a better photographer.  A girl at church has a blog called the The Red Spoon Her pictures of the recipes and food are borderline works of art in themselves.  I don't think she uses an old iPhone in poor lighting conditions like Linda does.  If Meg were here to photograph Linda's awesome dinner tonight, she would have made it look so much better.
This looks unappetizing, but OH NO, it was her favorite dinner (just kidding!) ever.  It was seriously the easiest though.  She took a 100 calorie wrap, spread it with a 3 pepper spicy humus, organic salsa, then melted Jalapeno Jack cheese on top.  When it was warm, she added fresh spinach and guacamole.  Seriously the best sandwich she ever ate.  The grapes are just plane grapes.  She wanted the new "cotton candy" flavored grapes, but can't seem to find them in any of the places shes looked.
Has anyone seen these at the store?
Every night except Tuesdays, Linda has been taking Chimi out for an some additional exercise.  (I refuse to go at night so its just the two of them.)  They move fast, alternating between a power walk and slow jog.  He's not allowed to stop and sniff anything, they just go, go, go for 30 minutes.  He needs the exercise since he is a time-bomb of nervous energy.  It's working.  He's conked out on the chair next to her lightly snoring. 

p.s.  Linda might have to start a new food blog if she keeps hijacking my blog about dogs!