Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cat vrs. Dog.. And the Winner Is...

In the second edition of "Who is Smarter" I found out that dogs are smarter than cats. This one confused me a bit. I knew that girl dogs were smarter than boy dogs, but I really thought Chip had both Chimmie and I beat in the brains department. Not so says the National Academy of Science. It seems like dogs brains have become smarter at a faster rate than cat brains over the years. In this house, Chip rules the two of us. She can change her personality to be sneaky, manipulative, pathetic, aggressive or adorable to get her way. Shes figured out how to make Chim obey her with just her eyes or one tiny growl. Plus, scientists say that cats can only remember obstacles or changes in their environment for only 10 minutes. Again, Chip seems to have no problem in that department. The article went on to say that dogs can be trained to rescue people, sniff out drugs and guide blind people all over town, so that makes them really smart. Cats just lay in the sun, lolling around doing whatever they feel like. They demand to be fed with an annoying and high pitched whine, immediately food is bought to them. Now who really is smarter? The cat who gets it's way 24/7 and does exactly what it wants, or the dog who is working for the humans and could possibly putting its life in danger? Hum.....