Thursday, June 24, 2010


Here is all the news that is happening around my house: Our deck is really coming along. Taylor is done with the power washing, sanding and now he is staining and sealing it. The color is beautiful, we are so excited to see it when he is finished. There will be a big picnic to celebrate the new look. I don't want to post any photos until it is complete, probably by the weekend. Tierney has some good news. Her iPad came today! She has been tracking the shipping all the way from Hong Kong to Alaska and finally to Tierney's happy little hands. Jerry is coming to take me for a walk tonight. Linda teaches 6 classes today and has no time (or energy) to give me a long walk. She already taught 3 and is resting a little bit before her 3 night classes. More exciting news: I'm on day 4 without using the pee-pee pad! I'm holding it all day/night and only going outside for potty breaks. Night time is a little scary though. Jerry said a opossum or a raccoon might eat me out in the dark backyard. Linda wants to put up a big spot light out on the deck so she can see me while I sniff around. No news on Chip Cat. She is still boring, mean and stinky.