Saturday, November 1, 2008

Faster then a Fleeing Cheetah

One more reason not to fly on airplanes. I just blogged about only traveling first class and never ever going into the cargo hold. That poor dog almost died after getting loose from its cage. Just yesterday, an even bigger animal got loose from its cage, this time it was while the plane was in flight. When the baggage worker opened the cargo door, he found a full grown cheetah running lose among the baggage. Two giant cats were being flown from Portland to Atlanta when one of them escaped. The Atlanta zoo sent someone to tranquilize the kitty and put him back in his crate. The good news is that no baggage was peed on. That would be horrible to get to your hotel room and realize all your clothes were wet and stinky! I liked this photo of the cheetah print Nike's better then I liked the photo of the cheetah in the article. I wonder if they make you run faster?